Four Most Common Neuropathy Types and Causes [Infographic]

Based on the type and location of the nerves affected, neuropathy is classified into four types: peripheral, cranial, autonomic and focal. Neuropathy can be hereditary or acquired. For podiatrists providing treatment for neuropathy conditions, outsourced podiatry billing is a feasible option for efficient claims submission. Check out the infographic below

ICD 10 Coding for Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Foot problems are quite common in people with diabetes. Having too much glucose (sugar) in your blood can result in low blood flow to the affected areas and reduced white blood cell function. Poorly controlled diabetes often results in complications such as foot ulcers. Regarded as the most common reason for hospital stays among people …

Coding Foot and Ankle Injuries in ICD-10

Foot and ankle injuries are very common in sporting and everyday situations. Of all the sports-related injuries, foot and ankle problems are the top issues that make millions of Americans visit their local podiatrists each year. As per reports, foot and ankle injuries account for more than 3 million emergency department visits annually in the …

Ways to Avoid Summertime Foot Hazards

During the warm summer days, people are more active and this can expose them to various foot hazards. Children as well as adults participate in various warm weather sports – from softball to soccer to swimming and cycling. In summer, people also tend to wear less supportive shoes or go barefoot to feel the soft …

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